British Myths, Legends & Folklore

Reading Time: 11 minutes

British Myths, Legends and Folklore

British folklore is a captivating tapestry of myths, legends, and traditional stories that have been woven throughout the ages in the United Kingdom. These tales are filled with an array of intriguing characters, from mischievous fairies to towering giants, and fearsome dragons to otherworldly beings.

Some of the most famous figures in British folklore are the legendary King Arthur and his valiant knights, the heroic Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men, and the elusive Loch Ness Monster. These enduring stories have inspired countless adaptations in literature, film, and other forms of popular culture, cementing their place in the hearts and imaginations of people across the world. Still others are based on strange tales of the supernatural, or unexplained phenomena like the Will-o’-the-Wisp.

We’re covering quite a lot of ground in the history of folktales, so let’s begin with some definitions.

British Myths

A myth is a traditional story or tale that explains the beliefs, practices, or natural phenomena of a culture. Myths often involve gods, goddesses, supernatural beings, or heroes, and are usually passed down orally from generation to generation. They may also be represented in art, literature, or other cultural artifacts.

Myths can serve a variety of purposes, such as providing an explanation for the creation of the world, the origins of humanity, or the reason for certain customs or rituals. They may also provide a moral lesson or serve as a cautionary tale. Myths can also be used to reinforce social norms, values, or beliefs within a culture.

Although myths may contain elements of historical or factual truth, they are primarily symbolic and metaphorical. They often use exaggeration, metaphor, and symbolism to convey their message, and may be interpreted in different ways by different people or cultures.

British Legends

A legend is a traditional story or narrative that is based on real events or people, but often contains exaggerated or supernatural elements. Legends typically involve heroic figures, extraordinary events, or mysterious phenomena, and may be based on historical or mythical events.

Legends often blur the line between fact and fiction, and may contain elements of both. They are often passed down orally from generation to generation, and may change or evolve over time as they are retold.

Legends can serve a variety of purposes, such as providing a moral lesson, offering an explanation for a natural phenomenon or historical event, or reinforcing cultural values or beliefs. They may also serve as a source of entertainment or inspiration, and can be a powerful tool for creating and reinforcing cultural identity.

British Folklore

Folklore refers to the traditional beliefs, customs, stories, and practices of a particular culture or community, often passed down orally from generation to generation. Folklore encompasses a wide range of forms, including folktales, legends, proverbs, songs, dances, and customs.

Folklore is an important part of cultural identity and heritage, as it reflects the values, beliefs, and experiences of a community. It often represents a shared experience or a common way of life, and can provide insight into the history and traditions of a culture.

Folklore can also serve a variety of functions, such as providing entertainment, transmitting cultural values, or offering explanations for natural phenomena or human behaviour. It may be used to reinforce social norms or provide a sense of belonging and identity within a community.

Folklore is a dynamic and evolving form, influenced by historical events, cultural exchange, and contemporary experiences. As such, it continues to be an important part of cultural expression and identity in many parts of the world.

Is folklore the same as legend?

Folklore and legend are related concepts, but they are not exactly the same.

Folklore refers to the traditional stories, customs, and beliefs of a culture or group of people that have been passed down through generations by word of mouth. It includes a wide variety of material, such as myths, legends, folktales, fairy tales, folk songs, proverbs, and even material culture, such as folk art and folk medicine. Folklore is a way for a culture to understand its own history, values, and beliefs.

A legend, on the other hand, is a specific type of folklore that is a story or tradition about a historical or mythological event or person that is believed to be true by the people who tell it. Legends are often rooted in real events, but the details are often exaggerated or romanticised over time. Legends often involve the supernatural or extraordinary and usually have a moral or lesson to teach.

In summary, legends are a part of folklore, but not all folklore is legend.

Why do myths, legends and folklore endure in Britain?

These stories hold on to our collective memories because they provide people with a way to connect to their cultural heritage and identity, and offer a way to make sense of the world around them.

Many of these stories have endured for centuries or even millennia because they offer timeless themes and messages that continue to resonate with people today. For example, the story of King Arthur embodies the ideals of chivalry, bravery, and loyalty, while the legend of Robin Hood speaks to ideas of social justice and resistance against tyranny.

Myths, legends, and folklore also have a way of capturing the imagination and sparking creativity in those who hear them. They often contain fantastical elements that transport listeners to other worlds and offer a sense of escape from everyday life.

Additionally, myths, legends, and folklore are often associated with specific places, landmarks, and regions, which help to create a sense of connection and attachment to those locations. This can lead to a desire to preserve and pass on these stories to future generations.

These stories endure because they offer a window into the past, a connection to cultural heritage, and a way to make sense of the present and future. They are an important part of human history and continue to be a source of inspiration and wonder for people around the world.

What are some famous myths and legends from Britain?

Britain has a long history of folk tales and myths. Many are world famous, so no doubt you will recognise some of these.

  1. King Arthur: The legendary King Arthur is said to have ruled Britain in the 6th century. His story is one of the most enduring myths in British folklore, and has inspired countless books, movies, and TV shows. The legendary king of Camelot and leader of the Knights of the Round Table is said to have defeated invaders and monsters, and to have searched for the Holy Grail.
  2. Merlin: A powerful wizard and advisor to King Arthur. He is often portrayed as a wise and powerful magician who uses his powers for the good of his kingdom.
  3. The Loch Ness Monster: Scotland’s Loch Ness is home to a mysterious creature known as the Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie. Many people claim to have seen the monster, but there is no concrete evidence to prove its existence. This legendary animal is described as a large, long-necked creature with one or more humps.
  4. Robin Hood: Robin Hood is a legendary outlaw who, according to legend, robbed from the rich and gave to the poor in medieval England. He is often depicted as a skilled archer and swordsman who lived in Sherwood Forest.
  5. Faeries: Faeries are mythical creatures that are said to live in the British countryside. They are often depicted as mischievous beings who enjoy playing pranks on humans.
  6. Beowulf: Beowulf is an Old English epic poem that tells the story of a heroic warrior who battles monsters and dragons. The poem is considered one of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon literature.
  7. The Green Man: The Green Man is a figure from British folklore who is often depicted as a man with leaves growing from his face. He is associated with the natural world and is often seen as a symbol of fertility and rebirth. He is sometimes depicted as a face surrounded by leaves or foliage. The Green Man is most commonly associated with nature and the protection of the wild.
  8. The Black Dog/Black Shuck: Black Shuck and the Black Dog are often used interchangeably to refer to the same creature in British folklore. Black Shuck is a name that is commonly associated with the East Anglian region of England, while the Black Dog is a more general term used throughout the UK. It is a spectral creature that is often associated with death, misfortune, and bad luck. It is usually depicted as a large, black dog with glowing eyes, and is said to roam the countryside at night, often appearing to lone travellers or those who are lost. The creature’s appearance is often considered a harbinger of impending doom or disaster.

What are some unusual tales from British folklore?

You have probably heard of the more popular stories listed above, but there are many unusual tales in the UK’s myths, legends, and folklore too. Here are a few examples:

  1. The Corpse Candles: In Welsh folklore, the appearance of strange lights in the sky known as “corpse candles” is said to be a sign of an impending death. The lights are believed to lead the way for the soul of the dying person.
  2. The Grey Man of Ben MacDhui: In Scottish folklore, a creature known as the Grey Man is said to haunt the summit of Ben MacDhui, the second highest mountain in Scotland. The creature is said to be a tall, shadowy figure that follows hikers and mountaineers and is often associated with bad weather and dangerous conditions.
  3. The Brownie: In English folklore, a creature known as the Brownie is said to be a helpful household spirit that does chores and favours in exchange for gifts of food or clothing. However, if the Brownie is offended or mistreated, it may turn into a malevolent and mischievous creature.
  4. The Selkie: In Scottish and Irish folklore, the Selkie is a mythical creature that can transform from a seal into a human. The Selkie is often depicted as a beautiful and mysterious figure who is caught between two worlds and can bring both joy and sorrow to those who encounter it.
  5. The Wild Hunt: In British and European folklore, the Wild Hunt is a spectral procession of ghosts, demons, or faeries that is said to ride through the sky on certain nights. The Hunt is often associated with death, disaster, and bad luck, and those who witness it are said to be in grave danger.
  6. The Wicker Man: This is a figure from ancient British and Celtic folklore, which is typically a human-shaped effigy made of woven sticks and filled with offerings, which was set on fire as a sacrifice.

What are the oldest myths and legends from the UK?

The oldest myths, legends, and folklore are difficult to pinpoint, as many of them originated in oral traditions that were passed down through generations before being recorded in writing. However, there are some stories and traditions that have been traced back to ancient times.

In the UK, one of the oldest examples of mythology is the Mabinogion, a collection of Welsh myths and legends that were compiled in the 12th and 13th centuries but is believed to have originated in oral traditions from the 6th century or earlier.

Another example is the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf, which was composed between the 8th and 11th centuries but is believed to be based on even older oral traditions.

The Stonehenge monument, located in England, is also believed to be associated with ancient myths and rituals, although its specific meaning and origins are still the subject of debate among scholars.

Overall, while the exact origins of many myths, legends, and folklore may be shrouded in mystery, there are many examples from the UK that can be traced back to ancient times and offer a glimpse into the nation’s strange cultural heritage.

Are any famous myths or legends or folklore associated with ancient sites in the UK?

Yes, many famous myths, legends, and folklore in the UK are associated with ancient sites and other special places, landmarks, and regions. Here are a few examples:

  1. King Arthur and Camelot: The legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table is associated with many locations throughout the UK, including Tintagel Castle in Cornwall, Glastonbury Abbey in Somerset, and Caerleon in Wales.
  2. Loch Ness Monster: Scotland’s Loch Ness is perhaps the most famous location associated with a myth or legend in the UK. The Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie, is said to live in the lake and has been the subject of numerous sightings and investigations.
  3. Robin Hood: The legendary outlaw Robin Hood is associated with many locations in England’s Sherwood Forest, including Nottingham, Sherwood Forest itself, and Robin Hood’s Bay in North Yorkshire.
  4. Stonehenge: The ancient stone monument of Stonehenge is shrouded in mystery and has been associated with many myths and legends throughout history, including tales of Merlin the wizard and the creation of the monument by giants.
  5. The Giant’s Causeway: This unique rock formation on the coast of Northern Ireland is associated with a legend that involves giants building the causeway to cross the sea between Northern Ireland and Scotland.

How common is the supernatural in British folklore?

The supernatural is quite common in British folklore, appearing in many traditional stories, legends, and myths.

One of the most common supernatural beings in British folklore are fairies, also known as elves, pixies, or sprites. These creatures are often depicted as mischievous or helpful, depending on the story. They are known to live in the wild, such as in forests and meadows, and are often associated with nature.

Ghosts and spirits are also commonly found in British folklore, with many stories featuring haunted houses, graveyards, and other spooky locations. These supernatural beings are often associated with death, and they can be either friendly or malevolent.

Other supernatural beings that appear in British folklore include witches, giants, dragons, and other monsters. These creatures often appear in legends and myths and are often associated with danger or adventure.

In addition to these supernatural beings, many traditional stories feature magical powers, spells, and other supernatural elements, often associated with witches, druids, and other magical practitioners.

Are any of these stories found in other cultures?

Myths, legends, and folklore are a captivating and universal part of human culture that have been passed down from generation to generation across the globe. These stories often serve as a way to explain the mysteries of the world and to connect people with the divine or supernatural.

Nearly every culture has its own unique mythology that delves into the origins of humanity and the universe, featuring gods, goddesses, and other mythical beings. Legends, too, are a common form of storytelling that recount extraordinary events or heroic deeds. And who can forget folktales, which often offer valuable moral lessons in a fun and engaging way?

However, what makes each culture’s myths, legends, and folklore truly special are the unique characters, themes, and cultural contexts that make them distinct. While many cultures may share similar stories of dragons or other mythical creatures, the specifics of these creatures can vary greatly between cultures, adding to their charm and intrigue.

Folklore is also a reflection of a particular group’s beliefs, customs, and practices, and can offer an intimate glimpse into a culture that may be difficult for outsiders to understand. In short, while myths, legends, and folklore may be universal, each culture’s version is a unique and treasured part of their heritage.

Has any British legends or folklore been influenced by other countries?

Yes, many myths, legends, and folklore in the UK have been influenced by other countries and cultures throughout history.

One example is the story of Beowulf, an Anglo-Saxon epic poem that is believed to have been influenced by Norse mythology and heroic traditions. Similarly, the story of the Irish hero Cu Chulainn has been linked to the influence of the Celtic god Lugh and other mythological figures from the region.

In addition to direct influences from other cultures, myths, legends, and folklore in the UK have also been shaped by historical events and cultural exchange over time. For example, the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table were influenced by the French chivalric tradition, which was brought to the UK during the Norman Conquest in the 11th century.

The UK’s colonial history has also had an impact on its myths and folklore, with stories and traditions from other parts of the world being incorporated into British cultural identity. For example, the legend of Saint George and the dragon is thought to have originated in the Middle East or Mediterranean and was later adopted as a symbol of English identity.

Overall, the myths, legends, and folklore of the UK have been shaped by a complex web of influences from both within and outside the region, reflecting the rich history and cultural diversity of the area.

What makes British myth and folklore so special?

The myths, legends, and folklore of the UK are unique to the region and reflect the history and cultural traditions of the British Isles.

One distinctive feature of British mythology is its association with ancient Celtic and Anglo-Saxon cultures, which have had a lasting impact on the region. For example, the story of King Arthur is deeply rooted in Welsh and Cornish mythology, while the figure of the Green Man has its origins in pagan nature worship.

Another unique feature of British mythology is its connection to the region’s landscape and natural environment. Many of the stories and legends are set in specific locations, such as the Scottish Highlands or the English countryside, and are often inspired by the natural features of these areas.

British folklore is also notable for its strong influence on literature and popular culture. The works of authors like J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis were heavily influenced by British mythology and folklore, and continue to inspire new generations of readers and writers.


The myths and legends of the UK are a fascinating and captivating part of its cultural heritage. From the heroic tales of King Arthur and Robin Hood, to the mysterious legends of the Loch Ness Monster and the Grey Man, the stories of the UK’s myths and legends are filled with intriguing characters, fantastical creatures, and enduring themes that have captured the imaginations of people around the world.

Exploring the myths and legends of the UK is a thrilling way to connect with the region’s rich cultural history and to discover the fascinating stories that have been passed down through the generations. From the rolling hills of the English countryside, to the rugged coastline of Scotland and beyond, there are countless tales to discover and explore.

Whether you’re a history buff, a lover of fantasy and folklore, or simply someone who wants to delve deeper into the mysteries of the UK’s cultural heritage, there is something for everyone in its myths and legends. So why not take the plunge and explore this captivating and enchanting world for yourself? You never know what fascinating stories you may uncover!

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